3 Common Symptoms of a Feline Medical Emergency
Posted on:
27 August 2015
A lot of your cats pre-domestic behaviors are still intact which can certainly make it difficult to know when something is wrong with your feline. Below are three common symptoms in cats dealing with injury and illness and what you should do if your cat is displaying them.
Pacing, which is a sign of agitation, is a sign that something might be up with your furry friend, especially if they're generally laid back.
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Preparing For Kidney Disease In Cats
Posted on:
26 August 2015
If you have a cat, it can be alarming to learn that kidney disease is one of the most common illnesses older cats develop. Unfortunately, there's no cure for the disease in cats, so treatment generally focuses on prolonging an afflicted cat's life as long as possible. While there's no way to be certain whether your cat will develop kidney disease, there are steps you can take now to reduce the risk and make treatment more affordable if they do develop the disease in the future.
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4 Pet Diseases That Vaccines Can Prevent
Posted on:
26 August 2015
Pet parents often think that it's no big deal to get their pets vaccinated, especially if their pet is the only one in the home, and the pet never goes anywhere else. The reality is that there are all sorts of illnesses preventable by vaccine that your pet can encounter, even if your pet never leaves your home or yard. Here are just a few of the problems you can prevent with vaccines.
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Hair Loss In Cats: A Look At Three Common Causes
Posted on:
26 August 2015
Is your cat losing hair? Whether the hair is falling out from all over the body or appears to be missing from certain areas, you can bet that there's an underlying condition to blame. Here's a look at three possible causes for hair loss and how they're treated.
Skin Mite Dermatitis
A species of mites known as Cheyletiella infects cats and causes itching, dandruff and hair loss. Cats with mites may have thinning hair all over their entire body, along with lesions on the back and dandruff flakes that appear on the surface of their hair.
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