Diseases Your Cats Can Contract If You Do Not Vaccinate Them
Posted on:
11 February 2016
In recent times, the process of vaccinating against certain diseases or viruses has become controversial. Many parents and pet parents alike have begun to question whether or not they should choose to vaccine their children (both human and four-legged). If you are a cat owner and you are wondering whether or not you should have your cat get all of the vaccinations that are generally recommended, you should first get to know some of the diseases that your cat can contract if you do not vaccinate them.
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Face Pressing: What It Means, And How To Recognize It
Posted on:
3 February 2016
You might be surprised to know that a cat pressing their face against objects or walls is a warning sign of a serious health condition. After all, cats rub their faces against their people, fellow cats, and objects in order to mark them with their scent. While these actions are friendly in nature and completely normal, face pressing is a different behavior that can mean there's a problem. This guide will help you to learn the difference between friendly face-rubbing and face pressing and what to do if your cat is face pressing.
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3 Non-Pet Store Essentials For Your Cat
Posted on:
25 January 2016
Whether you're thinking of adopting a cat or are already the proud pet parent of a whole clowder, you might think pet stores or the pet aisle of grocery stores are the only place with cat necessities. However, there are several things that you can buy outside of pet stores or the pet aisle that are great for cats, too. The next time you consider shopping, consider picking up some of these for your cat.
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Reasons Why Your Dog's Dental Health Is Important
Posted on:
22 December 2015
When it comes to being a responsible dog owner, many people are aware that they need to take their dog in for their regular vaccinations as well as if they show signs of illness or injury. However, many dog owners are not aware of another important element of their dog's care; their dental health. Get to know some of the reasons that your dog's dental health is so important so that you can schedule a dog dental cleaning appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
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