What's Causing Your Cat's Hot Spots?
Posted on:
26 August 2015
If your cat is developing raw, red patches on his or her skin, these are known as hot spots. They can be very painful for a cat, and if not treated, they may become infected. Thus, it's important to identify and treat their underlying cause. Ask yourself these questions to help determine the source of your cat's ailment.
Are the spots perfectly round with scaly skin at their centers?
Round, scaly patches, often with a pimple-like lesion at their center, are often caused by ringworm.
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Your Arthritic Cat's First Visit with an Acupuncturist
Posted on:
26 August 2015
You've decided to try pet acupuncture to ease your cat's painful arthritic joints. This procedure increases circulation, relaxes muscles and causes your cat's body to release natural pain-killing endorphins. You may find it to be a good addition to the other treatments you do to make your cat comfortable. Here is what you can expect when you take your cat in for their first acupuncture treatment.
The Initial Examination
The acupuncturist will begin by doing a thorough physical exam of your cat from head to toe.
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Making Cat Dental Care More Affordable With Pet Insurance
Posted on:
25 August 2015
Taking care of your cat's teeth is a necessity: cats are susceptible to tooth decay, gum disease, and loss of teeth without proper dental care. However, having a cat's teeth professionally cleaned also generally involves a lot of extra steps that can wrack up a significant bill quickly. This guide will explain how you can use cat insurance to protect your cat's oral hygiene, as well as your wallet.
Not All Insurance Plans Cover All Teeth-Related Procedures
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Preparing Yourself And Your Pet For Spay Or Neuter Surgery The Easy Way
Posted on:
25 August 2015
According to the Humane Society of the United States, there are about 6 to 8 million pets in shelters today. About half of these pets are eventually euthanized due to lack of homes. There is no doubt that spaying or neutering your pet is the right thing to do because it helps control this rampant pet overpopulation. This surgery can also help reduce negative behaviors. Spay or neuter surgery might even help improve your pet's overall health by removing the reproductive organs that could become cancerous.
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