Ear Cropping: 4 Questions You'll Need Answered
Posted on: 18 September 2015
You have a new puppy. Now you're trying to decide whether or not you should have its ears cropped. That can be a difficult decision to make. Ear cropping is a decision that is often based on the personal preference of the dog owner. Here are the answers to a few questions that will help you decide what's best for your puppy.
Why Should You Have Your Puppy's Ears Cropped?
There are actually a couple of reasons why you might want to have your puppy's ears cropped. One of them is for their health. Dogs with floppy ears are susceptible to ear infections. Excess moisture is one of the reasons for the increased risk. Because the ears fold over the ear, air is not able to get inside and dry the moisture. Ear cropping can help reduce the occurrence of ear infections.
What Age Should Your Puppy Be?
There is no specific age for ear cropping. The age requirement is based on the size of your puppy, the breed, and the size of the ear. In most cases, the younger the puppy is, the less pain they'll experience after the procedure.
How Long Will It Take For The Ears To Heal?
Once your puppy has its ears cropped, the surgical site will heal in a few weeks. However, that's not when their ears will stand up straight. Depending on the breed, it might several months for your puppy's ears to stand erect. During that time, your puppy's ears will need to be taped to allow them to heal properly. Your veterinarian will tell you how long your puppy's ears will need to be taped.
Do All Ears Stand After Cropping?
You may be disappointed to find out that cropping doesn't always result in perfectly pointed ears. In fact, occasionally the procedure will fail and your puppy will be left with short, floppy ears. Weak ear cartilage is one reason for crop failure in puppies.
You can help prevent failure by encouraging your puppy to exercise its ears. One way to do that is to blow a dog whistle several times a day. The whistle will cause your puppy to alert and perk its ears.
Ear cropping is a way to improve the aesthetic appearance of your puppy. It can also help reduce the risk of ear infections. If you have other questions regarding ear cropping, be sure to speak to a veterinarian, like those at Animal Clinic of Bensonhurst.