How To Keep A Sugar Glider As A Pet
Posted on: 28 August 2015
Sugar gliders are small marsupial animals that belong in the kangaroo family. They are considered exotic pets and can be a lot of fun to have in your home. Before you adopt sugar gliders, make sure you know the basics of taking care of them.
Stick to a Strict Dietary Regimen
Start taking care of your sugar gliders by knowing what to feed them. They have strict dietary requirements that you must adhere to, otherwise you could make them ill. Your veterinarian should give you advice on what to feed them, how much, and how often. Since they are insectivores and omnivores, you will give them a combination of meat, insects, fruits, and vegetables. They need to have the right amount of calcium, phosphorous, and other minerals, or they could become very ill.
Give Them a Roomy Cage
Sugar gliders also need to have plenty of room in their cage. Sugar gliders don't just like sitting and napping, they are active creatures. They need to be able to play and glide around the cage. They also like toys and various activities in the cage, such as branches, ropes, nesting boxes, and ladders. You need a cage large enough to accommodate the sugar gliders, these items, and their toys.
Socialize Them Properly
Sugar gliders also need socialization from the moment you bring them home. Since they are social creatures that can get depressed if they are alone, it is best that you adopt them in pairs or groups. You should never have just one sugar glider at home. They will entertain each other and keep themselves busy when you aren't around to play with them and interact with them. However, since they play often, you also need to keep their nails trimmed short.
They also socialize well with humans and other pets, but you might need to have some bonding sessions beforehand. Spend some time with them one-on-one first, instead of just bombarding them with your children and pets all at the same time. They can be shy at first, so work with them with just one person at a time until they get used to being around everyone in your home. If you are still struggling getting them to be social and interact with you, contact your vet for further assistance.
If you notice any issues with your sugar gliders, make sure you bring them to an emergency vet like Animal House Veterinary Hospital right away.