Would You Know What To Do If Your Dog Stopped Breathing? Quick Guide To Pet CPR
Posted on: 27 August 2015
If your dog was having breathing problems, would you know how to perform CPR? Did you know that dogs can suffer health problems or injuries that might require CPR? If you don't know the proper procedures, you may waste valuable time trying to find someone who can help save your pet's life. Be prepared for an emergency. Here are some step-by-step instructions for canine CPR.
Check for a Heartbeat
Before you begin CPR on your pet, it's important to determine if the heart has stopped beating. Place your hand on your pet's chest. If their heart is beating, you should be able to feel it through their chest. If you don't feel a heartbeat, you'll need to begin CPR as soon as possible.
Begin Compressions And Breaths
Lay your pet down on a flat surface. Be sure that they're lying on their side and that the surface is firm. Carefully place your cupped hand over the center portion of their chest. Place your other hand directly over the cupped hand. Your hands should be even with the elbow region of the front paws.
Press down firmly on your dog's chest and then release. That will count as one compression. You should continue doing those compressions at a rate of about 100-120 compressions per minute - which is about two compressions per second. After each set of five chest compressions, you'll want to give your pet a quick breath of air. Clench their jaw tightly with both hands and give one quick breath into their nose. Continue alternating chest compressions and breaths until your pet starts breathing again.
Get To the Vet
Once you've been able to obtain a heartbeat, you should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Try to keep your dog lying still during the trip. Lay your dog in the back seat of the car and place a pillow under its head. This will help your dog breathe easier. Once you get to the animal hospital, be sure to tell the veterinarian how long you were performing CPR. This will help the doctor know what type of care your dog will require.
You never know when an emergency is going to arise. If you have pets, you need to learn the proper way to provide CPR. For more information about your pet's health, contact Bayshore Animal Hospital & Bird Practice or a similar location.