Tips For Helping Your Pet Avoid Wintertime Health Complications
Posted on: 25 August 2015
The winter months can present a number of unique health risks for pets, but it is an unfortunate fact that many owners are ill-prepared to keep their pets safe from these threats. This can lead to potentially serious health complications for the pet. However, if you are unsure of the wintertime safety precautions that you should take, you may benefit from following these two tips to help keep your pet safe during this harsh time of year.
Use Pet Safe Deicing Substances
Preventing ice from accumulating on your pavement and steps is essential for keeping you and your family safe from slipping. Yet you may not realize that the chemicals used to melt ice can hurt your pet. Often, this type of injury is the development of burns on the bottom of their feet. In addition to being extremely painful, this can lead to severe infections.
To minimize the risk of this problem striking your pet, you should make sure to only use deicing chemicals that are clearly marked as being pet safe. If you are unable to find these substances or are still hesitant about using them, sand can be an excellent alternative for preventing the formation of ice.
Be Vigilant Against Ear Infections
Another routine issue that your pet may encounter during the winter is an ear infection. These infections can be more likely because the cold temperatures may weaken the immune system in the ears. Unfortunately, many pet owners may not realize the warning signs of an infection until it has already reached an advanced stage. If you notice your pet is scratching at their ears more than normal or small amounts of blood around the ear, they may be suffering from this problem.
When an ear infection is not properly treated, it can result in your pet suffering a severe loss of hearing. In order to prevent this type of damage, you should have your vet treat the problem as soon as possible. They will likely use antibiotics and ear drops to treat this condition, and it can usually be healed in a matter of days once treatment has been started.
Keeping your pet healthy during the winter months is something that many pet owners neglect or overlook, which can lead to your pet suffering painful complications. By understanding the importance of using pet safe deicing chemicals and the threat posed by ear infections, you can help your pet avoid the potentially severe health complications that may arise.
Talk with a vet from a clinic like Pet Medical Center – Full Service Veterinary Care if you have specific questions about your pet's health.