Prevent a Trip to the Vet with the Right Care for Your New Pet Rat

Posted on: 25 August 2015


Healthcare for small animals can get pricey depending on the kind of treatments they may need, making it so important that you work hard to provide your rat with the best care possible throughout their lifetime. From the second they are brought home, you should make sure that their habitat includes all the essentials and that you are not harming them by accident due to the quality of their care.

The following tips should help guide you towards setting up your home for the introduction of a new rat and avoid any preventable trips to the vet in the future.

Buy a Cage That Allows Plenty of Room for Movement

Rats are often very energetic and need to exert a lot of energy throughout the day, making it important to select a cage that allows for plenty of movement. This means choosing the largest cage possible so that your rat does not feel constricted. A cage with plenty of levels, ladders, and other forms of stimulation can all help keep your rat active and prevent them from getting overweight or lethargic.

Avoid Putting Wired Floors in the Habitat

Wired floors are bad news for practically any kind of small animal's cage since their feet can easily become trapped. This can lead to open cuts, sores on their feet, or even their feet, ankles, or legs becoming broken due to being caught between the wire. Taking care to include only plastic surfaces that are entirely covered can mean more frequent cage cleaning, but will allow you to avoid this kind of accident.

Schedule Time Outside the Cage Daily

Even with a larger cage for your rat, you could run into trouble if they do not have any time outside of the cage. Setting up a space for your rat to free roam with supervision is a good idea, along with simply picking them up. Many rats even enjoy being carried on your shoulders, allowing your rat to get some fresh air and time to bond with you.

Pick Rat Food with Health in Mind

Obesity can become a problem for any kind of pet, including rats, if you are not careful with the amount of food they eat. A balanced diet for rats include everything from a basic nutrient-rich pellet to fresh fruits and grains. Rats can eat practically anything, but it is important that you limit fresh foods and take the time to introduce them to new foods slowly to avoid any stomach issues.

Taking the time to get your rat the healthy diet and lifestyle they need can help extend their life and make it more enjoyable to own them as a pet. With the right care, you will also avoid unnecessary trips to the vet in the future as well. For more information, talk to a vet like All-Pets Hospital.